##2015-04-14 - Supported Release 4.6.0 ###Summary

Adds functions and function argument abilities, and improves compatibility with the new puppet parser



##2015-01-14 - Supported Release 4.5.1 ###Summary

This release changes the temporary facter_dot_d cache locations outside of the /tmp directory due to a possible security vunerability. CVE-2015-1029


##2014-12-15 - Supported Release 4.5.0 ###Summary

This release improves functionality of the member function and adds improved future parser support.



##2014-11-10 - Supported Release 4.4.0 ###Summary This release has an overhauled readme, new private manifest function, and fixes many future parser bugs.



##2014-07-15 - Supported Release 4.3.2 ###Summary

This release merely updates metadata.json so the module can be uninstalled and upgraded via the puppet module command.

##2014-07-14 - Supported Release 4.3.1


This supported release updates the metadata.json to work around upgrade behavior of the PMT.


##2014-06-27 - Supported Release 4.3.0


This release is the first supported release of the stdlib 4 series. It remains backwards-compatible with the stdlib 3 series. It adds two new functions, one bugfix, and many testing updates.



##2014-06-04 - Release 4.2.2


This release adds PE3.3 support in the metadata and fixes a few tests.

2014-05-08 - Release - 4.2.1


This release moves a stray symlink that can cause problems.

2014-05-08 - Release - 4.2.0


This release adds many new functions and fixes, and continues to be backwards compatible with stdlib 3.x



##2014-03-04 - Supported Release - 3.2.1 ###Summary This is a supported release


####Known bugs

2013-05-06 - Jeff McCune jeff@puppetlabs.com - 4.1.0
2013-05-06 - Alex Cline acline@us.ibm.com - 4.1.0
2013-05-06 - Alex Cline acline@us.ibm.com 4.1.0
2013-05-06 - Alex Cline acline@us.ibm.com 4.1.0
2013-05-03 - Alex Cline acline@us.ibm.com 4.1.0
2013-05-02 - Raphaël Pinson raphael.pinson@camptocamp.com - 4.1.0
2013-04-29 - Mark Smith-Guerrero msmithgu@gmail.com - 4.1.0
2013-04-12 - Jeff McCune jeff@puppetlabs.com - 4.0.2
2013-04-11 - Jeff McCune jeff@puppetlabs.com - 4.0.1
2013-04-11 - Jeff McCune jeff@puppetlabs.com - 4.0.0
2013-04-11 - Jeff McCune jeff@puppetlabs.com - 4.0.0
2013-04-10 - Jeff McCune jeff@puppetlabs.com - 4.0.0
2013-04-10 - Erik Dalén dalen@spotify.com - 4.0.0
2013-03-31 - Amos Shapira ashapira@atlassian.com - 4.0.0
2013-03-29 - Steve Huff shuff@vecna.org - 4.0.0
2013-03-20 - Erik Dalén dalen@spotify.com - 4.0.0
2013-03-26 - Richard Soderberg rsoderberg@mozilla.com - 4.0.0
2013-03-19 - Kristof Willaert kristof.willaert@gmail.com - 4.0.0
2012-04-03 - Eric Shamow eric@puppetlabs.com - 4.0.0
2012-12-17 - Justin Lambert jlambert@eml.cc - 4.0.0
2012-10-23 - Uwe Stuehler ustuehler@team.mobile.de - 4.0.0
2013-03-11 - Jeff McCune jeff@puppetlabs.com - 4.0.0
2013-03-04 - Raphaël Pinson raphael.pinson@camptocamp.com - 4.0.0
2013-02-14 - Joshua Hoblitt jhoblitt@cpan.org - 4.0.0
2013-02-07 - Raphaël Pinson raphael.pinson@camptocamp.com - 4.0.0
2012-12-06 - Raphaël Pinson raphink@gmail.com - 4.0.0
2012-12-06 - Raphaël Pinson raphink@gmail.com - 4.0.0
2013-01-14 - David Schmitt david@dasz.at - 4.0.0
2013-01-02 - Jaka Hudoklin jakahudoklin@gmail.com - 4.0.0
2013-01-05 - Jeff McCune jeff@puppetlabs.com - 4.0.0
2012-12-04 - Jeff McCune jeff@puppetlabs.com - 4.0.0
2012-11-30 - Erik Dalén dalen@spotify.com - 4.0.0
2012-11-09 - James Fryman james@frymanet.com - 4.0.0
2012-11-06 - Joe Julian me@joejulian.name - 4.0.0
2012-09-18 - Chad Metcalf chad@wibidata.com - 3.2.0
2012-11-23 - Erik Dalén dalen@spotify.com - 3.2.0
2012-05-23 - Peter Meier peter.meier@immerda.ch - 3.2.0
2012-11-19 - Joshua Harlan Lifton lifton@puppetlabs.com - 3.2.0
2012-11-17 - Joshua Harlan Lifton lifton@puppetlabs.com - 3.2.0
2012-08-03 - Gary Larizza gary@puppetlabs.com - 3.2.0
2012-03-20 - Wil Cooley wcooley@pdx.edu - 3.2.0
2012-11-06 - Joe Julian me@joejulian.name - 3.2.0
2012-10-25 - Jeff McCune jeff@puppetlabs.com - 3.1.1
2012-10-23 - Matthaus Owens matthaus@puppetlabs.com - 3.1.0
2012-08-16 - Jeff McCune jeff@puppetlabs.com - 3.0.1
2012-08-16 - Jeff McCune jeff@puppetlabs.com - 3.0.0
2012-08-07 - Dan Bode dan@puppetlabs.com - 3.0.0
2012-07-10 - Hailee Kenney hailee@puppetlabs.com - 3.0.0
2012-04-10 - Chris Price chris@puppetlabs.com - 3.0.0
2012-10-25 - Jeff McCune jeff@puppetlabs.com - 2.5.1
2012-10-23 - Matthaus Owens matthaus@puppetlabs.com - 2.5.0
2012-08-15 - Dan Bode dan@puppetlabs.com - 2.5.0
2012-08-13 - Dan Bode dan@puppetlabs.com - 2.5.0
2012-08-13 - Dan Bode dan@puppetlabs.com - 2.5.0
2012-08-07 - Dan Bode dan@puppetlabs.com - 2.5.0
2012-08-20 - Jeff McCune jeff@puppetlabs.com - 2.5.0
2012-08-20 - Jeff McCune jeff@puppetlabs.com - 2.5.0
2012-08-20 - Jeff McCune jeff@puppetlabs.com - 2.5.0
2012-06-07 - Chris Price chris@puppetlabs.com - 2.4.0
2012-08-07 - Erik Dalén dalen@spotify.com - 2.4.0
2012-07-19 - Jeff McCune jeff@puppetlabs.com - 2.4.0
2012-07-10 - Hailee Kenney hailee@puppetlabs.com - 2.4.0
2012-03-16 - Steve Traylen steve.traylen@cern.ch - 2.4.0
2012-05-22 - Peter Meier peter.meier@immerda.ch - 2.3.3
2012-05-10 - Jeff McCune jeff@puppetlabs.com - 2.3.3
2012-05-10 - Puppet Labs support@puppetlabs.com - 2.3.2
2012-03-29 Puppet Labs support@puppetlabs.com - 2.1.3
2012-03-13 Puppet Labs support@puppetlabs.com - 2.3.1
2012-03-12 Puppet Labs support@puppetlabs.com - 2.3.0
2011-12-30 Puppet Labs support@puppetlabs.com - 2.2.1
2011-12-30 Puppet Labs support@puppetlabs.com - 2.1.2
2011-11-08 Puppet Labs support@puppetlabs.com - 2.2.0
2011-08-18 Puppet Labs support@puppetlabs.com - 2.1.1
2011-08-17 Puppet Labs support@puppetlabs.com - 2.1.0
2011-08-04 Puppet Labs support@puppetlabs.com - 2.0.0
2011-08-04 Puppet Labs support@puppetlabs.com - 1.1.0
2011-08-04 Puppet Labs support@puppetlabs.com - 1.0.0
2011-06-21 Jeff McCune jeff@puppetlabs.com - 0.1.7
2011-06-15 Jeff McCune jeff@puppetlabs.com - 0.1.6
2011-06-03 Jeff McCune jeff@puppetlabs.com - 0.1.5
0.1.4 2011-05-26 Jeff McCune jeff@puppetlabs.com
0.1.3 2011-05-25 Jeff McCune jeff@puppetlabs.com
0.1.2 2011-05-24 Jeff McCune jeff@puppetlabs.com
0.1.1 2011-05-24 Jeff McCune jeff@puppetlabs.com